Personal Details
1) Surname: Brown
1.1) First names: Caine
1.2) Age: Twenty one
1.3) Gender: Male
1.4) Phone number: 1072834
1.5) Current Adress: 14 Marina Avenue (( Near the beach ))
2) Are you Currently in employment?: No.
2.1) If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A.
3) Have you ever been convicted for a serious crime?: No.
4) Have you ever served time in prison?: No.
5) Do you hold a full Los Santos Driving License?: Yes.
5.1) Has your driving license ever been suspended?: No.
6) Do you have a firearm license?: No.
7) Tell us something about yourself and why you wish to become a Los Santos Civil Security Services guard (minimum 200 words): My name is Caine Brown, I'm twenty one years old, and I come from Compton, Southern Los Angeles, California. I grew up on the rough streets of Compton, where murders and hustling happened on the open streets everyday of my life. I went to school and had a relatively good education, and had a good relationship with my family. But then, all of a sudden my mom passed away with Breast cancer. When this happened I was Twenty one, and decided it was time for a fresh start, so I decided to move to Los Santos. I wish to become a part of the Los Santos Civil Security Services because I feel like you are a good legal organisation to become a part of, I could be a good asset to your organisation and I would like to make a difference to this City for the right reasons.
(( OOC ))
1) Gender: Male
1.1) In-game level: 1 (( Although I have three years of RP experience ))
1.2) Age: 18
1.3) Geographical location: United Kingdom
1.4) Past character names + Levels: None.
2) Screenshot of your admin record(s) [For ALL past accounts please]:
3) For how long have you been playing on LS-RP?: About a day or two, Although I already know my whole way around the server.
4) How many hours do you play every day?: Six hours a day - sometimes more.
5) Have you been member of another factions?: No.
5a) If yes, which factions and why did you leave?: N/A.
6) Can you communicate effectively in the English language?: Yes.
7) Tell us about yourself and why you want to become a Los Santos Civil Security Services guard (minimum 100 words): In real life my name is Michael Johnston, I'm eighteen years old and I stay in Scotland. I have always been ahuge fan of GTA:SA from the age of fourteen, and then suddenly found out it had a multiplayer modification, and that there were RP servers. I started off on SZR:GTA and valhalla gaming. Obviously as you can see I have a huge obsession with Computers, and I am going to do a course in Computing at college this year. I would like to join the LS-CSS because it looks like a very organised faction, and I feel I could bring some great RP and teamwork to your faction, and I would also be a very good asset.
Do you posses any Law Enforcement Knowledge?: Yes, slightly.
8.1) If yes, explain fully: I understand laws, and codes.
9) Do you know your way around Los Santos well?: Yes.
If you have any references from a current guard in Los Santos Civil Security Services, insert them here.
Guard's name:
Current rank:
1) Surname: Brown
1.1) First names: Caine
1.2) Age: Twenty one
1.3) Gender: Male
1.4) Phone number: 1072834
1.5) Current Adress: 14 Marina Avenue (( Near the beach ))
2) Are you Currently in employment?: No.
2.1) If yes, what is your current occupation?: N/A.
3) Have you ever been convicted for a serious crime?: No.
4) Have you ever served time in prison?: No.
5) Do you hold a full Los Santos Driving License?: Yes.
5.1) Has your driving license ever been suspended?: No.
6) Do you have a firearm license?: No.
7) Tell us something about yourself and why you wish to become a Los Santos Civil Security Services guard (minimum 200 words): My name is Caine Brown, I'm twenty one years old, and I come from Compton, Southern Los Angeles, California. I grew up on the rough streets of Compton, where murders and hustling happened on the open streets everyday of my life. I went to school and had a relatively good education, and had a good relationship with my family. But then, all of a sudden my mom passed away with Breast cancer. When this happened I was Twenty one, and decided it was time for a fresh start, so I decided to move to Los Santos. I wish to become a part of the Los Santos Civil Security Services because I feel like you are a good legal organisation to become a part of, I could be a good asset to your organisation and I would like to make a difference to this City for the right reasons.
(( OOC ))
1) Gender: Male
1.1) In-game level: 1 (( Although I have three years of RP experience ))
1.2) Age: 18
1.3) Geographical location: United Kingdom
1.4) Past character names + Levels: None.
2) Screenshot of your admin record(s) [For ALL past accounts please]:
3) For how long have you been playing on LS-RP?: About a day or two, Although I already know my whole way around the server.
4) How many hours do you play every day?: Six hours a day - sometimes more.
5) Have you been member of another factions?: No.
5a) If yes, which factions and why did you leave?: N/A.
6) Can you communicate effectively in the English language?: Yes.
7) Tell us about yourself and why you want to become a Los Santos Civil Security Services guard (minimum 100 words): In real life my name is Michael Johnston, I'm eighteen years old and I stay in Scotland. I have always been ahuge fan of GTA:SA from the age of fourteen, and then suddenly found out it had a multiplayer modification, and that there were RP servers. I started off on SZR:GTA and valhalla gaming. Obviously as you can see I have a huge obsession with Computers, and I am going to do a course in Computing at college this year. I would like to join the LS-CSS because it looks like a very organised faction, and I feel I could bring some great RP and teamwork to your faction, and I would also be a very good asset.
Do you posses any Law Enforcement Knowledge?: Yes, slightly.
8.1) If yes, explain fully: I understand laws, and codes.
9) Do you know your way around Los Santos well?: Yes.
If you have any references from a current guard in Los Santos Civil Security Services, insert them here.
Guard's name:
Current rank: