[size=150]Personal Details[/size]
(( IC ))
1) Surname: Walker
1.1) First name: Dan
1.2) Gender: Male
1.3) Phone number: 106-83-82
1.4) current Adress:
2) Are you Currently in employment?: Yes.
2.1) If yes, what is your current occupation?: Car Mechanic.
3) Have you ever been convicted for a serious crime?: No.
4) Have you ever served time in prison?: Yes. For minor charges.
5) Do you hold a full Los Santos Driving License?: Yes.
5.1) Has your driving license ever been suspended?: No.
6) Collaboratively describe yourself (Min. 1 paragraphs) and why you wish to become a MultiSec security guard (minimal 2 paragrahps):
My name is Dan Walker, I'm 21 years old, and am 5'11".
I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and stayed there until the age of 7 before moving to Detroit, Michigan because my parents had financial problems. I grew up in Michigan for another 10 years, graduated high school, and joined the military but was honorably discharged after 3 years of service. After returning home, my parents noticed a change in my attitude and behavior. It got so out of control that I eventually had to leave their home and turn my back on the past.
I served three tours in Iraq and am currently a retired marine after being honorably discharged from the military. I moved to Los Santos recently with the hope of finding a brighter future, but so far I've been unsuccessful here.
I make ends meet working as a car mechanic but the work is ridiculously dangerous due to the overflowing amount of people who pretend to need something, lure you out to a deserted area, and then rob you and steal your tow truck.
I was part of a recon unit over in Iraq and have had my fair share of war. Before being deployed, I was obviously given extensive training in hand-to-hand combat, as well as firing weapons. I am physically fit, I have the prerequisites that this job would require, and I feel that I can handle the duties of a security guard.
(( OOC ))
1) Gender: Male
1.1)In-game level: 7
1.2) Age: 18
1.3) Geographical location: U.S.
1.4) Past character names + Levels: None.
2) Screenshot of your admin record(s) [For ALL past accounts please]: Here.
here to fight - Wasn't fighting. I was mistaken as someone who was fighting at a club event. How I was mistaken as someone causing trouble when I was sitting still, I have no idea.
NonRP carjack, spamming OOC - 27/9/2007 - No idea why or how that got there and I'm not going to bother asking why. Only been on this server for 2 months, not 2 years.
All the quitting and crashing to avoid jailings are because my game crashes frequently. I can provide a video as proof that my game crashes ridiculously often when I hit esc or alt-tab for even a split second. The ban evade comment was due to a confusion that was already cleared up.
The only legitimate admin jails on my entire record are the bunnyhoppings, and the car DM on 6-04-2010.(Was still adapting to the whole gta rp environment).
3) Can you communicate effectively in the English language?: Yes.
4) Tell us about yourself and why you want to become a MultiSec Security guard:
5) Do you posses any Law Enforcement Knowledge?: No.
5.1) If yes, explain fully:
6) Do you know your way around Los Santos well?: Yes.
If you have any references from a current guard in MultiSec security services, insert them here.
Guard's name: N/A
Current rank: N/A
Quotation: N/A
[size=150]Additional information / questions / concerns[/size]
(( IC ))
1) Surname: Walker
1.1) First name: Dan
1.2) Gender: Male
1.3) Phone number: 106-83-82
1.4) current Adress:
2) Are you Currently in employment?: Yes.
2.1) If yes, what is your current occupation?: Car Mechanic.
3) Have you ever been convicted for a serious crime?: No.
4) Have you ever served time in prison?: Yes. For minor charges.
5) Do you hold a full Los Santos Driving License?: Yes.
5.1) Has your driving license ever been suspended?: No.
6) Collaboratively describe yourself (Min. 1 paragraphs) and why you wish to become a MultiSec security guard (minimal 2 paragrahps):
My name is Dan Walker, I'm 21 years old, and am 5'11".
I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and stayed there until the age of 7 before moving to Detroit, Michigan because my parents had financial problems. I grew up in Michigan for another 10 years, graduated high school, and joined the military but was honorably discharged after 3 years of service. After returning home, my parents noticed a change in my attitude and behavior. It got so out of control that I eventually had to leave their home and turn my back on the past.
I served three tours in Iraq and am currently a retired marine after being honorably discharged from the military. I moved to Los Santos recently with the hope of finding a brighter future, but so far I've been unsuccessful here.
I make ends meet working as a car mechanic but the work is ridiculously dangerous due to the overflowing amount of people who pretend to need something, lure you out to a deserted area, and then rob you and steal your tow truck.
I was part of a recon unit over in Iraq and have had my fair share of war. Before being deployed, I was obviously given extensive training in hand-to-hand combat, as well as firing weapons. I am physically fit, I have the prerequisites that this job would require, and I feel that I can handle the duties of a security guard.
(( OOC ))
1) Gender: Male
1.1)In-game level: 7
1.2) Age: 18
1.3) Geographical location: U.S.
1.4) Past character names + Levels: None.
2) Screenshot of your admin record(s) [For ALL past accounts please]: Here.
here to fight - Wasn't fighting. I was mistaken as someone who was fighting at a club event. How I was mistaken as someone causing trouble when I was sitting still, I have no idea.
NonRP carjack, spamming OOC - 27/9/2007 - No idea why or how that got there and I'm not going to bother asking why. Only been on this server for 2 months, not 2 years.
All the quitting and crashing to avoid jailings are because my game crashes frequently. I can provide a video as proof that my game crashes ridiculously often when I hit esc or alt-tab for even a split second. The ban evade comment was due to a confusion that was already cleared up.
The only legitimate admin jails on my entire record are the bunnyhoppings, and the car DM on 6-04-2010.(Was still adapting to the whole gta rp environment).
3) Can you communicate effectively in the English language?: Yes.
4) Tell us about yourself and why you want to become a MultiSec Security guard:
5) Do you posses any Law Enforcement Knowledge?: No.
5.1) If yes, explain fully:
6) Do you know your way around Los Santos well?: Yes.
If you have any references from a current guard in MultiSec security services, insert them here.
Guard's name: N/A
Current rank: N/A
Quotation: N/A
[size=150]Additional information / questions / concerns[/size]